

GC Arts and Humanities Pathway


Welcome to the Department of Visual Arts home page. This site reviews useful information 为那些将要在博彩平台推荐视觉系学习的博彩平台推荐准备的 艺术,无论是作为专业还是作为必修或非必修课程的博彩平台推荐 也适合博彩平台推荐终身学习,个人充实. The Galveston College 视觉艺术系设有展览馆和艺术工作室 可欣赏陶艺、摄影、绘画、绘画和设计等课程的教室.



Name Amanda Jones, Coordinator
Title Associate Professor of Fine Arts/Program Coordinator
Room FA-316
Program Area Visual & Performing Arts
Phone 409-944-1309
Email ajones@yn17car.com
Admin Support

Kayla Pangarakis


艺术专业的博彩平台推荐通常从一系列的艺术课程开始学习 a number of skills.

  • Classes are small with individualized instruction; students are assisted in the use 各种艺术媒介发展他们的技术技能和从事研究 assignments.
  • 在博彩平台推荐完成课程后,博彩平台推荐将获得帮助 找到最好的四年制大学转学并完成四年制课程 degree in Fine Arts.

See the most recent college catalog for specific degree requirements and course descriptions. Additionally, online course 本地和远程学习的博彩平台推荐都可以选择.

博彩平台推荐的视觉艺术系包括一个多元化的展览团体 artists with national resumes. All are included in many publications and collections. 教师拥有超过70年的工作室艺术教学经验 and art history. 博彩平台推荐的艺术教师与博彩平台推荐互动作为课程 提供发展技术专长和表达创意的机会 想法,并了解工作室艺术的许多媒介的传统. The art 系教师的工作是帮助博彩平台推荐准备好他们的作品集 他们的艺术学位,以及在画廊展出他们的作品.

艺术学院鼓励来访的艺术家/教育家教授工作坊,讲座和 exhibitions in the Galveston College Art Gallery.

视觉艺术学院致力于为博彩平台推荐提供坚实的基础 专注于提高自己的艺术技能,追求视觉艺术事业,或为 transferring to a 4-year institution. Course offerings are transferable and in accord with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

视觉艺术课程的主要目标如下:(1)提高博彩平台推荐的 能够做出判断的意识和知识需要批判性思维技能, aesthetic sensibility and visual learning. (2) to help students learn and develop 在他们选择的学科和(3)生产工作的具体方法和技术 -课程作业,展示这些过程的作品集和(4)加强个人 empowerment for life-long learning.

博彩平台推荐提供各种奖学金,包括克莱利奖学金 摩尔陶瓷艺术奖学金($300):颁发给作品优秀的陶瓷博彩平台推荐.   Call 409-944-1309.

艺术专业的博彩平台推荐通常从一系列的艺术课程开始学习 a number of skills.

Classes are small with individualized instruction; students are assisted in the use 各种艺术媒介发展他们的技术技能和从事研究 assignments. 在博彩平台推荐完成课程后,博彩平台推荐们 在寻找转学和完成学业的最佳四年制大学方面得到帮助吗 of a four-year degree in Fine Arts.

See the most recent college catalog for specific degree requirements and course descriptions. Additionally, online course 本地和远程学习的博彩平台推荐都可以选择.


First Semester    
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3          
HIST 1301 US History 1 3          
ARTS 1303 Art History I 3          
ARTS 1311 Design I 3          
ARTS 1316 Drawing I 3          


Total Semester Credit Hours in Program: 15


Second Semester    
ENGL 1302 Composition II 3          
HIST 1302 US History II 3          
ARTS 1304 Art History II 3          
ARTS 1312 Design II 3          
ARTS 1317 Drawing II 3          


Total Semester Credit Hours in Program: 15


First Semester    
GOVT 2305 Federal Government 3          
HIST 1301 Life & Physical Science 5 3          
MATH 1332 Contemporary Math I 2 3          
    Component Area Option Elective 10 3          
    Sophomore ARTS Elective 11 3          


Total Semester Credit Hours in Program: 15



GOVT 2306 Texas Government 3          
    Life & Physical Science 5 3          
    Social & Behavioral Sciences  3          
    Component Area Option Elective  3          
    ARTS 23xx Elective  3          


Total Semester Credit Hours in Program: 15

Total Credit Hours:

Total Semester Credit Hours in Program: 60



*不同高等院校的学位要求可能有所不同. Students should consult an advisor for specific
course selection

  • Independent Studio Artist
  • Production Artist
  • Teacher
  • Illustrator
  • Museum or Gallery Employee
  • Photographer
  • Advertising Artist
  • Graphic Designer
  • Arts Administrator
  • College/University Professor

Students who major in art often pursue jobs as teachers.  For up-to-date information 有关艺术专业博彩平台推荐工作的信息,请查阅美国劳工统计局; http://stats.bls.gov


Next Steps

Start the convenient online application process @ GoApplyTexas.

Apply Online


职业教练是一个免费的在线工具,旨在帮助你找到一个伟大的职业提供 最新的本地工资、就业、招聘和相关教育数据 and training.

通过简单的关键词搜索,就可以了解到不同的就业前景 careers. 实时信息是根据学院的地理区域定制的 包括详细的工资估计和最新的博彩平台推荐 career. 用户在寻找特定工作时,会被引导到学院的课程中.

Career Coach还包括一个内置的简历生成器来帮助博彩平台推荐和求职者 快速整理一份包含关键技能和以前工作经历的最新简历.

Take the assessment

经济援助可以帮助符合条件的非全日制和全日制博彩平台推荐支付学费 college. It can be a combination of grants, loans and work-study.

Learn how to apply

要了解更多关于奖学金类型和截止日期的信息,请点击 the “Learn More” link below.

Learn More

Name Rosie Alcocer
Phone 409-944-1228
Email ralcocer@yn17car.com
Make an Appointment Appointment